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OE1 | 31/10/2014, 23:03 Central European Time |  Lange Nacht der Neuen Österreichischen Musik | “10 Years Ensemble Zeitfluss” concert broadcast 

Translucent Currents in her Darkness” for chamber ensemble, which was recently premiered by the Ensemble Zeitfluss at their anniversary concert “10 Years Ensemble Zeitfluss” will be aired on October 31 by the OE1 Radio Program of the Austrian Radio Television (ÖRF). 

The whole program of the concert will be available online via streaming featuring works by Denovaire, Klaus Dorfegger, Elisabeth Harnik, Mirela Ivičević, Joachim Jung, Gerhard Krammer, Gerd Kühr, Klaus Lang, Daniel Oliver Moser, Gerd Noack, Dimitri Papageorgiou, Anselm Schaufler, Krešimir Seletković, Gerhard Stäbler, Orestis Toufektsis, Joanna Wozny, as well as Country Band March and 3 Lieder (1922) by Charles Ives, in an excellent arrangement by Anselm Schaufler.

Accessible online at http://oe1.orf.at/programm/385864